Advantage+ Christmas Calendar

Published: 30.11.07 (Updated: 24.12.07)

The Advantage+ Christmas Calendar works like this: Each day there will be a question from Panorama. Send your answer to, and you enter the daily drawing of 5 000 Advantage+ points. 

Q: How many years of Omega experience does Frode Haaland have?

A: 10 years. The answer is found in the Progress section, in the article "Pims Support Team".

We congratulate Elisabeth Silde as the last winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points. The Omega Christmas Calendar is hereby closed, and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Q: Who was on their first airplane ride when going on a teambuilding to Rome?

A: Berit Vågen. The answer is found in the Reviews section, in the article "Rome Teambuilding".

We congratulate Elisabeth Silde as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many meters above the water is Preikestolen (The Pulpit Rock)?

A: 607 m. The answer is found in the Reviews section, in the article "Trip to Preikestolen".

We congratulate Arve Kolbeinsen as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What's the land area of Singapore, in square kilometres?

A: 700 km2. The answer is found in the Progress section, in the article "Singapore update".

We congratulate Frode Steinsland as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many people were at the Toto concert at this year's Sildajazz?

A: 3 000 people were there, 31 of whom were from Omega. The answer is found in the Reviews section, in the article "Toto concert in Haugesund".

We congratulate Aslaug Østrem Nesheim as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What is Johnny Vik's favorite TV show?

A: Seinfeld. The answer is found in the Personnel section, in the article "Johnny Vik".

We congratulate Sigmund Almås as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: Who is the employee representative for non-consultants?

A: Mr. Leif Hole. The answer is found in the Personnel section, in the article "Employee Representatives".

We congratulate Elisabeth Silde as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: When did the Vasa ship sink into the waters of Stockholm?

A: In 1628. The answer is found in the Reviews section, in the article "Stockholm Teambuilding".

We congratulate Håvard Ravatn as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What is the driving distance from Haugesund to our Hovden apartments?

A: 220 kilometres. The answer is found in the Advantage+ section, in the article "Hovden Apartment I" and "Hovden Apartment II".

We congratulate Jarle Tjøstheim as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many tickets are the organisers hoping to sell for Rogafest next spring?

A: 16 000. The answer is found in the Advantage+ section, in the article "Rogafest".

We congratulate Atle Hermann Flåten as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What is our Oslo office's exact location?

A: Lysaker, Lilleakerveien 2. The answer is found in the Progress section, in the article "Oslo Office".

We congratulate Jan Henrik Endsjø Høiland as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many percent risk reduction do you get from wearing a reflective vest along the roads?

A: 85 percent. The answer is found in the HSE section, in the article "HSE Tip - October".

We congratulate Anne Bergan as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How much is the fuel discount for Omega's Statoil Card holders?

A: 43 Norwegian øre per litre. The answer is found in the Benefits & Offers section, in the article "Statoil card".

We congratulate Frode Haaland as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many milligrams of caffeine is there in a cup of cocoa?

A: 10-17. The answer is found in the HSE section, in the article "The truth about coffee".

We congratulate Claus Østergaard as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: Where in Norway did a group of Murmansk children from the Save the Children project stay this summer?

A: Melbu. The answer is found in the Community section, in the article "Murmansk Children".

We congratulate Sigmund Almås as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many Christmas parties are Omega putting on this season?

A: Seven. The answer is found in the Advantage+ section, in the article "Christmas Parties 2007"

We congratulate Jardar Lindøe as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: Where is the next companywide teambuilding taking place?

A: Kragerø. The answer is found in the Advantage+ section, in the article "Golf & Spa Weekend".

We congratulate Per Egil Mortensen as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What is the population of Klaipeda?

A: Approximately 205 000. The answer is found in the Personnel section, in the article "Introducing Team Lithuania".

We congratulate Arild Røksund as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many Advantage+ points do you get from exercising eight hours in December?

A: 5 000 points. However, there is the possibility to get 25 000 additional points if you are drawn out among all the "exercisers". The answer is found in the Advantage+ section, in the article "Double Exercise Points".

We congratulate Jardar Lindøe as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: What was the size of the boats Omega's people sailed on the Barcelona teambuilding?

A: 24 feet. The answer is found in the Reviews section, in the article "
Barcelona 2007".

We congratulate Vidar Neset as the winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.

Q: How many new employees did Omega hire in 2006?

A: 126 new employees. The answer is found in the Progress section, in the article "
2006 in review".

We congratulate Jan Fredrik Øyen as the first winner of 5 000 Advantage+ points.